
Most of our St. Saviour’s activities are for everyone, but we recognise that sometimes men want to get together and hang out just with men.

We have an amazing group of men at the church: dads, sons, grandads, brothers, bosses, students and entrepreneurs. Over the last few years we have sought to actively learn from, champion and encourage one another  through our curry nights and doing life together in our PoD groups.

Why not come along? We’d love to see you. For more information, or if you have any questions about our Mens events please contact

Curry Club

We’d love to welcome you to our monthly Curry Club which is based at the Shahin, running on the first Monday of each month.

We will have delicious curry, great discussion and a speaker each month. If you’d like to come along, take a look at our Events page for the next date and to sign up.