E. M. Bounds, a prominent writer on prayer says, ‘God’s purposes move along the pathway made by prayer to their glorious designs.’
Every day we are invited into participating in God’s kingdom being built here on the earth through prayer.
We long as a church to see more of God’s power and glory moving here at St Saviour’s, in Guildford and in our world.
So we are spending a whole week in prayer from Monday 3rd October to Sunday 9th October.
There are many ways to get involved:
You can sign-up to receive the daily prayer emails (click here!).
You can come along to Furnace, our Worship & Prayer evening on Wednesday 5th October at 8pm either online (sign up here for the link) or in person.
You can come and use our Prayer Room at church and you can sign-up to a slot to spend time in there via our website.
Also if you love a prayer walk or have littles ones or have never tried prayer walking we’d love to encourage us all to go for a prayer walk and use the Oikos Outreach App (download via Apple App Store or Google Play Store) to pray for our neighbours that God’s kingdom would come and move in their lives. The app allows you to mark which street you’ve been praying for and it would be great to see many places in Guildford being lifted to the Lord!